Will Trent (season 2)

Will Trent (season 2)
Complete season
Release dateJanuary 04, 2023
CrewLeo R. Knox Jr., Ellen Marie Blum, Karine Rosenthal, Karin Slaughter, Gregory Kulhanjan, Kevin Scott, Oly Obst, Henry 'Hank' Jones, Quinn Haberman, Nick Moutselos, Reid Stover, Leah Daniels Butler, Matthew Sefick, Kath Lingenfelter, Liz Heldens, Ramu00f3n Rodru00edguez, Daniel T. Thomsen, Britta Lundin, Howard Deutch, Kai Thorup, Vicki Rocco, Daly Parker, Brittany Ledgin, Karen Manuel, Kaitlin Goodhart, Brandon J. Pridgett, Topher Black, Zakyra Colvin, D. Hunter White, Max McLaughlin, Eric Oliveros, Juliette Strangio, Sydney Rubin, Jordan Pope, David Blake Hartley, Spencer Crane, Anders Timmerman, Curtis Jones, Marti King Young, Leo Laing, My'Una Jones, Matt Freeman, Cai Curry, Christina Cole, Chris Berthelot, Aja Hoggatt, Darius Bethea, Hannah Prabhakar, Tammy Blackburn, Brad Brinkley, Nick Phillips, April Mackin, Jamai Fisher, Scott Schweitzer, Ivy McLeod, Aaron Crumbley, Amber Langston, Matthew Crouch, Paul McGuigan, Dana Graham, Joe McLaughlin, Khya Marshall, Tristan Mejia, Stephen Kiker, Jarron Ridgley, Heidi Chong, Sarah Mickelson
Runtime43 min
The main character was abandoned by his parents immediately after his birth. The boy had difficulties in pronouncing and reading words. The child with a developmental defect roamed from one foster family to another. Dr. Will Trent, a doctor of criminology, became Georgia's top police detective. The funny, hardworking and incredibly human investigator is trying to do his part to improve the adoption and foster care system. In the new season he will continue to investigate mysterious crimes. Will the main character be able to find his mother? Now he knows her name and has an idea of her appearance. How will Trent's relationship with Angie Polaski develop? Will the woman be able to defeat the terrible disease?rn
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Me Llamo Will Trent
Episode 2
S02 E02 - It's the Work I Signed Up For
Episode 3
S02 E03 - You Don't Have to Understand
Episode 4
S02 E04 - It's Easier to Handcuff a Human Being
Episode 5
S02 E05 - Capt. Duke Wagner's Daughter
Episode 6
S02 E06 - We Are Family
Episode 7
S02 E07 - Have You Never Been to a Wedding?
Episode 8
S02 E08 - Why Is Jack's Arm Bleeding?
Episode 9
S02 E09 - Residente o Visitante
Episode 10
S02 E10 - Do You See the Vision?

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