Criminal Minds (season 18)

Criminal Minds (season 18)
Coming soon...
Release dateSeptember 22, 2005
CrewGlenn Kershaw, Mark Gordon, Erica Messer, Peter Schindler, Aaron Zelman, Edward Allen Bernero, Randy Huggins, Kristin Alcala, Breen Frazier, Christopher Barbour, Harry V. Bring, Gigi Coello-Bannon, Charles S. Carroll, Jim Clemente, Stacey Beneville, Becky Silverman, Rick Dunkle, April Webster, Jay Beattie, Scott David, Katerina Gerlach, Kiegan Downs, Scott David, Lisa Zambetti, Callie Miller
Runtime42 min
This ten-episode season picks up six months after the intense finale of Season 17, continuing the high-stakes drama surrounding the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. The notorious Sicarius Killer is attacked in prison, triggering chaos as his dark web followers emerge as a nationwide threat. To stop the violence, the BAU must form an uneasy alliance with Voit himself, adding layers of tension and moral complexity. Emily Prentiss recovers from personal and professional trauma, while JJ faces lingering fears from her recent ordeal. Rossi becomes deeply entangled in Voit's situation, leading to further complications. New team member Dr. Julia Ochoa joins the BAU, bringing fresh dynamics to the group.
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Episode 1
S18 E01 - Swimmers calculus
Episode 2
S18 E02 - The Zookeeper
Episode 3
S18 E03 - Episode 3
Episode 4
S18 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S18 E05 - The Brutal Man
Episode 6
S18 E06 - Episode 6
Episode 7
S18 E07 - Episode 7
Episode 8
S18 E08 - Episode 8
Episode 9
S18 E09 - Episode 9
Episode 10
S18 E10 - The Disciple

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