Grimsburg (season 2)

Grimsburg (season 2)
Coming soon...
Release dateJanuary 08, 2024
CrewCatlan McClelland, Veronica Bates, Cody Zhang, Christine Terry, Graham Smyth, Timothy Patterson, Yulianna Garrido, Aidan Thor Ravitch, Pauline Sun, Barbara O'Connell, Anthony Assad, Gail Berman, Jon Hamm, Jackie Sollitto, Julie Ashton, Chadd Gindin, Hend Baghdady, Jon Wigfield, Susan Godfrey, Matthew Schlissel, Connie Tavel, Leanne Moreau, Dominic Moffat
Runtime22 min
The main character of the series - Marvin Flute, a famous detective, who during his career managed to solve many mysterious cases. However, this time the man was going through a difficult time, or rather a midlife crisis. In order to keep his sanity, the former detective devoted all his time to creating modern furniture for an old dollhouse.rn
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Haunted Housewife

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