Murdoch Mysteries (season 18)

Murdoch Mysteries (season 18)
12 of 15 episodes
Release dateJanuary 25, 2008
CrewNoel Hedges, Shane Kinnear, Jan Peter Meyboom, Cal Coons, Scott Garvie, Christina Jennings, Diane Kerbel, Samantha McMillon, Carol Hay, Paul Aitken, Stephen Montgomery
Runtime60 min
The events take place in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Toronto. A charismatic and ambitious detective, working in a police station, applies in his work revolutionary and outlandish methods of modern forensics - fingerprinting, bullet trajectory, handwriting comparison, portraiture, and so on. He works under the guidance of a good-natured but irascible red-haired mustachioed man, in the company of a constable who is fond of Martians and charming Julia Ogden - a professional pathologist. By the way, young age, excellent upbringing and cute outfits absolutely do not prevent the girl to dissect bodies and put experiments.rn
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Episode 1
S18 E01 - The New Recruit
Episode 2
S18 E02 - Only Murdoch in the Building
Episode 3
S18 E03 - What the Dickens?!
Episode 4
S18 E04 - Gimme Shelter
Episode 5
S18 E05 - A Starlet Is Born
Episode 6
S18 E06 - The Murdoch Link
Episode 7
S18 E07 - Measure of My Dreams
Episode 8
S18 E08 - Welcome to Paradise
Episode 9
S18 E09 - When Rubber Meets the Road
Episode 10
S18 E10 - The Men Who Sold the World
Episode 11
S18 E11 - Bombshells (2)
Episode 12
S18 E12 - The Star of Mandalay
Episode 13
S18 E13 - Episode 13
Episode 14
S18 E14 - Episode 14
Episode 15
S18 E15 - Episode 15

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