Murdoch Mysteries (season 7)

Murdoch Mysteries (season 7)
Complete season
Release dateJanuary 25, 2008
CrewShane Kinnear, Jan Peter Meyboom, Cal Coons, Noel Hedges, Scott Garvie, Christina Jennings, Diane Kerbel, Paul Aitken, Samantha McMillon, Carol Hay
Runtime45 min
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition. Based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
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Episode 1
S07 E01 - Murdoch Ahoy
Episode 2
S07 E02 - Tour de Murdoch
Episode 3
S07 E03 - The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch
Episode 4
S07 E04 - Return of Sherlock Holmes
Episode 5
S07 E05 - Murdoch of the Living Dead
Episode 6
S07 E06 - Murdochophobia
Episode 7
S07 E07 - Loch Ness Murdoch
Episode 8
S07 E08 - Republic of Murdoch
Episode 9
S07 E09 - Midnight Train to Kingston
Episode 10
S07 E10 - Murdoch in Ragtime
Episode 11
S07 E11 - Journey to the Centre of Toronto
Episode 12
S07 E12 - Unfinished Business
Episode 13
S07 E13 - The Murdoch Sting
Episode 14
S07 E14 - Friday the 13th, 1901
Episode 15
S07 E15 - The Spy Who Came Up to the Cold
Episode 16
S07 E16 - Kung Fu Crabtree
Episode 17
S07 E17 - Blast of Silence
Episode 18
S07 E18 - The Death of Dr. Ogden

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