Complete season
Release dateJanuary 25, 2008
CrewShane Kinnear, Jan Peter Meyboom, Cal Coons, Noel Hedges, Scott Garvie, Christina Jennings, Diane Kerbel, Paul Aitken, Samantha McMillon, Carol Hay
CastGeorgina ReillyHelene JoyJonathan WattonJonny HarrisLachlan MurdochMouna Traoru00e9Paul RhysThomas CraigYannick Bisson
Runtime45 min
A Victorian-era Toronto detective uses then-cutting edge forensic techniques to solve crimes, with the assistance of a female coroner who is also struggling for recognition in the face of tradition. Based on the books by Maureen Jennings.
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Episode 3
S07 E03 - The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch
October 15, 2013
S07 E03 - The Filmed Adventures of Detective William Murdoch
October 15, 2013