13 of 14 episodes
Release dateAugust 09, 2014
CrewIra Steven Behr, Toni Graphia, Ronald D. Moore, Anne Kenney, Maril Davis, David Brown, Elicia Bessette, Michael OHalloran, Matthew B. Roberts
Runtime60 min
There is the Second World War on. The plot of the series revolves around a military nurse. One day, when Claire was walking she moved in time in a mysterious way. She find herself in the 18th century and absolutely unknown for her world that is full of danger. A civil war is unfolding just over the place she locates. The girl meets a wounded Scottish named Jamie Fraser. She does not lose the hope of going home to the husband who is confused because of wife disappearence. Claire in her turn remembers the husband but she is forced to marry Jamie with whom she feels at all safe in another world.
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Episode 1
S03 E01 - The Battle Joined
September 10, 2017
S03 E01 - The Battle Joined
September 10, 2017
Episode 3
S03 E03 - All Debts Paid
September 24, 2017
S03 E03 - All Debts Paid
September 24, 2017
Episode 5
S03 E05 - Freedom & Whisky
October 08, 2017
S03 E05 - Freedom & Whisky
October 08, 2017
Episode 10
S03 E10 - Heaven & Earth
November 19, 2017
S03 E10 - Heaven & Earth
November 19, 2017
Episode 13
S03 E13 - Eye of the Storm
December 11, 2017
S03 E13 - Eye of the Storm
December 11, 2017
Episode 14
S03 E14 -
Will be soon
S03 E14 -
Will be soon