Outlander (season 7)

Outlander (season 7)
11 of 16 episodes
Release dateAugust 10, 2014
CrewRonald D. Moore, Toni Graphia, Maril Davis, Elicia Bessette, Matt Roberts, Ira Steven Behr, Anne Kenney, David Brown, Michael O'Halloran, Sam Heughan, Caitru00edona Balfe, Paulo De Oliveira, Suzanne M. Smith, Guy Tannahill, Barbara Stepansky, Luke Schelhaas, Jim Kohlberg, Alyson Evans, Steve Kornacki, Hilary Benson, Andy Harries, Erin McNeill, Steven Moore, Rachel Traynor, Shaina Fewell, Michael Wilson, Mira Hoffman, Ben McGinnis, Anna Dawson, Simone Pereira Hind, Bryce Scherer-Brian, Hazel Borthwick McShannon, Jamie Fleming, Fiona Peace, Lisa Neely, Chris Henry, Glenda Mariani, Kimberley Looi, Jacqui McBride, Alex Carrodus-Cook, Eilidh MacKinnon, Lisa Parasyn, Catriona Scott
Runtime60 min
The project invites viewers to immerse themselves in the story of a young girl, Claire, who in some incredible way went on a journey through time, replacing the end of World War II with the events of the mid-eighteenth century. Here she encounters a young Scottish knight, Jamie, who becomes the new man of her life. True, there is someone she loves just as much left in the old time. Claire is torn between two eras and between two men, having no idea what to choose and how exactly to act.rn
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Episode 1
S07 E01 - A Life Well Lost
Episode 2
S07 E02 - The Happiest Place on Earth
Episode 3
S07 E03 - Death Be Not Proud
Episode 4
S07 E04 - A Most Uncomfortable Woman
Episode 5
S07 E05 - Singapore
Episode 6
S07 E06 - Where the Waters Meet
Episode 7
S07 E07 - A Practical Guide for Time-Travelers
Episode 8
S07 E08 - Turning Points
Episode 9
S07 E09 - Unfinished Business
Episode 10
S07 E10 - Brotherly Love
Episode 11
S07 E11 - A Hundredweight of Stones
Episode 12
S07 E12 - Carnal Knowledge
Episode 13
S07 E13 - Hello, Goodbye
Episode 14
S07 E14 - Ye Dinna Get Used to It
Episode 15
S07 E15 - Written in My Own Heart's Blood
Episode 16
S07 E16 - A Hundred Thousand Angels

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