The Equalizer (season 4)

The Equalizer (season 4)
Complete season
Release dateFebruary 08, 2021
CrewJolian Blevins, Mark C. Lynch, Beth A. Rubino, Ross Meyerson, Julie Tucker, Kim Krakauer, Joe Gazzam, Jose F. Guerrero, Holly Popowski, Erik Lee, Joe Power, John Davis, Queen Latifah, Debra Martin Chase, Loretha C. Jones, Shakim Compere, Adam Glass, Andrew W. Marlowe, Eric Laneuville, Terri Edda Miller, Rob Hanning, Richard Lindheim, John Fox, Kim Rome, Zoe Robyn, Jamila Daniel, Ashley Charbonnet, Melissa R. Byer, Treena Hancock, Joseph C. Wilson, Rashaan Dozier-Escalante, Matthew Philip Smith, Ipek Kahraman, Kyle Steeno, Christina V. Silva, Charlie Foster, Erica Shelton Kodish, Mike Brant
Runtime43 min
Robin McCall is a woman with a dark past, single-handedly raising a teenage daughter. For many years, the heroine worked for the so-called Company - a structure that performs secret missions for the American government, and also served in the Middle East. But one day McCall realizes that something she used to do, she does not like and does not fit, decides to leave the old job and concentrate on raising her daughter, who has a complex character and for whom the changes in the way of life of her mother become a complete surprise.rn
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Episode 1
S04 E01 - Truth for a Truth
Episode 2
S04 E02 - Full Throttle
Episode 3
S04 E03 - Blind Justice
Episode 4
S04 E04 - All Bets Are Off
Episode 5
S04 E05 - The Whistleblower
Episode 6
S04 E06 - DOA
Episode 7
S04 E07 - Legendary
Episode 8
S04 E08 - Condemned
Episode 9
S04 E09 - The Big Take
Episode 10
S04 E10 - Shattered

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