Complete season
Release dateJanuary 20, 2020
CrewAngela Bassett, John J. Gray, Rashad Raisani, Ryan Murphy, Rob Lowe, Alexis Martin Woodall, Brad Falchuk, Bradley Buecker, Tim Minear, Jessica Ball, Scott White, Alex R. Wagner, Carlos M. Marimon, Jeff Dickerson, Eryn Krueger Mekash
CastBrian Michael SmithBrianna BakerGina TorresJim ParrackJulian WorksKelsey YatesLiv TylerNatacha KaramRafael SilvaRob LoweRonen RubinsteinSierra McClainSkyler Yates
Runtime43 min
A cop and his son move from New York City to the city of Austin, Texas. The protagonist will try to find a balance between work and personal life.rn
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