Complete season
NetworkCBC Television
Release dateJanuary 06, 2009
CrewIvan Schneeberg, David Fortier, Aaron Martin
CastAdam MacDonaldDevon BostickErin KarplukJoanna DouglasJohn BoylanKathleen LaskeyLaurence LeboeufMichael RileyMorgan KellyPaula BrancatiReagan PasternakSarah GadonSebastian PigottTyron Leitso
Runtime45 min
Thirty-something Erica Strange receives the ultimate opportunity - to go back in time and relive her most defining moments. From first kisses and prom nights to job interviews, Erica now has the chance to put right her long list of regrets with the hope that it will result in the life she really wants.rn
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Episode 5
S04 E05 - Sins of the Father
October 25, 2011
S04 E05 - Sins of the Father
October 25, 2011
Episode 6
S04 E06 - If I Could Turn Back Time
November 01, 2011
S04 E06 - If I Could Turn Back Time
November 01, 2011
Episode 8
S04 E08 - Please, Please Tell Me Now
November 15, 2011
S04 E08 - Please, Please Tell Me Now
November 15, 2011
Episode 9
S04 E09 - Erica's Adventures in Wonderland
November 29, 2011
S04 E09 - Erica's Adventures in Wonderland
November 29, 2011