FBI (season 7)

FBI (season 7)
13 of 16 episodes
Release dateSeptember 26, 2018
CrewDick Wolf, Jonathan Strauss, Rachel Cates, Alec Chorches, Amanda Slater, Peter Jankowski, Arthur W. Forney, Rick Eid, Alex Chapple, Joe Webb, Anne Reeves, Anastasia Puglisi, Matt Hehnly, Sheila Iniego, Madeleine LePesant, Nick Peciaro, Christian Jones, Malchus Janocko, Aubrey Hoffman, Nicole Feder, Joe Halpin, David Brownfield, Tamara Jaron, David Amann, Terry Miller, Mo Masi, Rebecca McGill, Audrey Miller, Jesse Lectura, Heidi Lewis, Etienne Des Lauriers, Charlynne J. Hopson, Seth James, Thomas Kelly, Alexander Maggio, Mark O'Brien, Pat Seaward, Keith Eisner, Claire Demorest, Zach Calig, Kristy Lowrey, Caryl Pierre, Kami Calevro, Chasity Sariol
Runtime43 min
The project will focus on the New York office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The TV show follows a team of elite agents as they investigate and solve high-profile crimes in New York City. With a combination of cutting-edge technology, relentless determination, and a deep understanding of criminal behavior, the agents navigate the complex world of organized crime, terrorism, and other threats to national security.rn
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Episode 1
S07 E01 - Abandoned
Episode 2
S07 E02 - Trusted
Episode 3
S07 E03 - Du00e9tente
Episode 4
S07 E04 - Doubted
Episode 5
S07 E05 - Pledges
Episode 6
S07 E06 - Perfect
Episode 7
S07 E07 - Monumental
Episode 8
S07 E08 - Riptide
Episode 9
S07 E09 - Descent
Episode 10
S07 E10 - Redoubt
Episode 11
S07 E11 - Shelter
Episode 12
S07 E12 - Manhunt
Episode 13
S07 E13 - Unearth
Episode 14
S07 E14 - Hitched
Episode 15
S07 E15 - Acolyte
Episode 16
S07 E16 - Sierra

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