JAG (season 7)

JAG (season 7)
Complete season
Release dateSeptember 24, 1995
CrewCharles Holland, Donald P. Bellisario, Michael Zinberg
Runtime60 min
JAG is an adventure drama about an elite wing of officers trained as lawyers who investigate, prosecute and defend those accused of crimes in the military. Navy Cmdr. Harmon Harm Rabb, an ace pilot turned lawyer, and Marine Lt. Col. Sarah Mac MacKenzie, a beautiful by-the-book officer, are colleagues who hold the same high standards but find themselves clashing when they choose different routes to get to the same place. The unmistakable chemistry between them must be held at bay for professional reasons as they traverse the globe together with a single mission: to search for and discover the truth. Helping them with their mission is Navy Lt. Cmdr. Bud Roberts, a lawyer who proved his grit and determination when, after losing a leg in a land mine field while on a mission, fought back and became even better at his job.
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Episode 1
S07 E01 - Adrift (2)
Episode 2
S07 E02 - New Gun in Town
Episode 3
S07 E03 - The Measure of Men
Episode 4
S07 E04 - Guilt
Episode 5
S07 E05 - Mixed Messages
Episode 6
S07 E06 - Redemption
Episode 7
S07 E07 - Ambush
Episode 8
Episode 9
S07 E09 - Dog Robber (1)
Episode 10
S07 E10 - Dog Robber (2)
Episode 11
S07 E11 - Answered Prayers
Episode 12
S07 E12 - Capital Crime
Episode 13
S07 E13 - Code of Conduct
Episode 14
S07 E14 - Odd Man Out
Episode 15
S07 E15 - Head to Toe
Episode 16
S07 E16 - The Mission (1)
Episode 17
S07 E17 - Exculpatory Evidence (2)
Episode 18
S07 E18 - Hero Worship
Episode 19
S07 E19 - First Casualty
Episode 20
S07 E20 - Port Chicago
Episode 21
S07 E21 - Tribunal
Episode 22
S07 E22 - Defending His Honor
Episode 23
S07 E23 - In Country (1)
Episode 24
S07 E24 - Enemy Below (2)

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