Nightflyers (season 1)

Nightflyers (season 1)
Complete season
Release dateOctober 21, 2018
Runtime45 min
The actions unfold in the future when the Earth is on the edge of destroying. A team of explorers goes to the edge of the universe on the space ship equipped with the latest technologies to catch the alien space ship that may be the key for the Earth salvation. One step away from the goal of the mission the crew discovers the board computer sabotages the mission threatening to immerse the crew into the vortex of nightmares and madness.
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Episode 1
S01 E01 - All That We Left Behind
Episode 2
S01 E02 - Torches and Pitchforks
Episode 3
S01 E03 - The Abyss Stares Back
Episode 4
S01 E04 - White Rabbit
Episode 5
S01 E05 - Greywing
Episode 6
S01 E06 - The Sacred Gift
Episode 7
S01 E07 - Transmission
Episode 8
S01 E08 - Rebirth
Episode 9
S01 E09 - Icarus
Episode 10
S01 E10 - All That We Have Found

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