Complete season
Release dateJuly 26, 2019
CastAntony StarrChace CrawfordDominique McElligottElisabeth ShueErin MoriartyJessie UsherKarl UrbanNathan Mitchell
Runtime60 min
In a world where superheroes embrace the darker side of their massive celebrity and fame, The Boys centres on a group of vigilantes known informally as The Boys, who set out to take down corrupt superheroes with no more than blue collar grit and a willingness to fight dirty
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Episode 4
S01 E04 - The Female of the Species
July 26, 2019
S01 E04 - The Female of the Species
July 26, 2019
Episode 7
S01 E07 - The Self-Preservation Society
July 26, 2019
S01 E07 - The Self-Preservation Society
July 26, 2019