Yellowstone (season 5)

Yellowstone (season 5)
13 of 14 episodes
Release dateJune 21, 2018
CrewIan McCulloch, Michael Friedman, John E. Vohlers, David Glasser, Tim Pedegana, Art Linson, John Linson, Kevin Costner, Ben Richardson, Taylor Sheridan
Runtime42 min
Yellowstone is the first national park in the world, one of the most visited places in the United States. But here, on the edge of civilization, there are many things that tourists do not see, that are not covered by the media. The Dutton family, headed by John Dutton, owns a huge ranch adjacent to the park. Their land is claimed by the park itself, the Indian reservation, and greedy developers.rn
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Episode 1
S05 E01 - One Hundred Years Is Nothing
Episode 2
S05 E02 - The Sting of Wisdom
Episode 3
S05 E03 - Tall Drink of Water
Episode 4
S05 E04 - Horses in Heaven
Episode 5
S05 E05 - Watch 'Em Ride Away
Episode 6
S05 E06 - Cigarettes, Whiskey, a Meadow and You
Episode 7
S05 E07 - The Dream Is Not Me
Episode 8
S05 E08 - A Knife and No Coin
Episode 9
S05 E09 - Desire Is All You Need
Episode 10
S05 E10 - The Apocalypse of Change
Episode 11
S05 E11 - Three Fifty-Three
Episode 12
S05 E12 - Counting Coup
Episode 13
S05 E13 - Give the World Away
Episode 14
S05 E14 - Episode 14

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