16 of 17 episodes
Release dateSeptember 14, 1990
CrewArthur Penn, David Shore, William M. Finkelstein, Dick Wolf, Peter Jankowski, Arthur W. Forney, Roz Weinman, Gary Karr, Lynn Mamet, Kathy McCormick, Richard Sweren, David Black, I. C. Rapoport, Ed Zuckerman, Gardner Stern, Jeremy R. Littman, Mark B. Perry, Walon Green, Robert Palm, Michael Duggan, Renu00e9 Balcer, Daniel Sackheim, Barry Schindel, Jeffrey L. Hayes, Billy Fox, Michael S. Chernuchin, Eric Overmyer, Nick Santora, Edwin Sherin, Morgan Gendel, Robert Nathan, Kati Johnston, Lewis Gould, William N. Fordes, Nicholas Wootton, Joseph Stern, Wendy Battles, Rick Eid, Rebecca McGill
CastAlana de la GarzaAngie HarmonAnnie ParisseAnthony AndersonBenjamin BrattCamryn ManheimCarey LowellChris NothDann FlorekDennis FarinaDianne WiestElisabeth Ru00f6hmFred ThompsonGeorge DzundzaHugh DancyJeffrey DonovanJeremy SistoJerry OrbachJesse L. MartinJill HennessyLinus RoacheMaura TierneyMehcad BrooksMichael MoriartyMilena GovichOdelya HaleviPaul SorvinoReid ScottRichard BrooksS. Epatha MerkersonSam WaterstonSteven HillTony Goldwyn
Runtime42 min
A legendary crime drama that has held the attention of viewers for twenty years. The episodes are based on the most controversial and high-profile cases of American legal proceedings. The series is characterized by almost documentary verisimilitude, the depth of the characters portrayed and the sharp statement of legal and moral issues. Each episode is divided into two equal parts: a police investigation and a trial.rn
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Episode 17
S24 E17 - Episode 17
April 04, 2025
S24 E17 - Episode 17
April 04, 2025